Gluten Free The Simple Way

Gluten Free The Simple Way

Going “gluten free” is not as complicated as you think. Seven years ago I had my third child. After plenty of trial and error, we realized that he was very sensitive to gluten. He seemed to have grown out of it over the years, but then he took a turn and...
Monumental Indianapolis Marathon Race Recap

Monumental Indianapolis Marathon Race Recap

I chose the Monumental Indianapolis Marathon for several reasons. First off, it’s on a Saturday. I didn’t want to run on Sunday and it is one of a few good qualifiers on a Saturday. It’s also a flat course and has decent weather this time of year. I didn’t want to...
St. George Marathon Recap – No Regrets – 2:21

St. George Marathon Recap – No Regrets – 2:21

The St. George Marathon is the best marathon in Utah. They do such a great job with it and it is a fast and beautiful course. I decided to sign up with my two brothers at the last minute and see what I could do after a solid few months of training. This was one of...
How To Fuel With Maurten – Workouts And Racing

How To Fuel With Maurten – Workouts And Racing

I started fueling with Maurten over a year ago. Runner’s Corner was the first place I was tipped off about it. I then learned that the top marathoners were using it and I was intrigued. Stazza is also a big fan of it (my coach). There have been three types of...
8 Marathons – Lessons Learned

8 Marathons – Lessons Learned

Marathon 1- Ogden Marathon 2010 Details- 10 months post first baby. 1:30 at halfway- and then deep into the pain cave. Stopped at mile 21 to cry for a bit to Dustin, then toughened up and finished. I said I would never do that ever again. It hurt so bad. Goal: sub 3...